Whole school
Topic Web - Growing - Year 1 - Medium Term Plan with Learning objectives
This is a topic web used for Growing in Year 1 for Spring 2.
This includes;
Science - Plants
Extended writing - Rhyming Phrases
Music - exploring instruments
PSHE - Making the right choices and keeping safe
ICT - filming a recipe
DT - Making clay flower pots / cooking
RE - Baptisma nd Easter symbols
PE - Team Games
Detailed Risk Assessment for a farm Reception Year on - EYFS / KS1
This is a detailed risk assessment to use as a template for a visit to a farm.
Can be edited to suit the needs of you class / school.
Maths task worksheet: fluency, reasoning and problem solving on 10 x table
This is a worksheet for Year 2 which focuses on multiplying by tens (x 10 tables) with some division. There are four tasks.
The first one is fluency - recalling x 10 and dividing by 10 facts.
Task 2 asks the children to draw dienes/rods for the given multiplication fact.
Task three is a reasoning question.
Task four is a problem solving question.
Can easily be edited and will save time!